I visited Shahdon's blog, and there under "7 People to do this" was my name. So here it is!
7 Random Things About Me
1) My mouth is crooked
2) My day ends at 5am, begins at 12 noon
3) I hope to sing properly one day – proper technique, produce nice tone
4) I am constantly and easily bored, even while doing my favourite activities
5) I'm trying to look for a week where I can tell everyone not to disturb me
6) I am trying to keep long hair… like Lim Yau
7) I don't like drinking plain water when I'm sick because it aggravates the bitter taste the medicine leaves behind
7 Things That Scare Me
1) Sudden, loud noises
2) Moths
3) Losing my hearing
4) Losing any of my fingers or my arm
5) Sleeping – especially when I know I'm going to have unpleasant dreams
6) Losing any of my friends, or someone I know
7) Not being able to survive financially in the future
7 Random Music At The Moment
1) The Wedding Singer the Musical – "It's Your Wedding Day"
2) Hairspray the Musical
3) Wicked the Musical
4) Mahler's symphonies
5) Les Miserables Tenth Anniversary Concert
6) Cats the Musical
7) Elton John's ballads (from his album The One)
7 Things I Like Most
1) Music Sequencing (with my laptop and my keyboard and me-e-e!)
2) Coffee!
3) Meeting up with people after being stuck at home for a long time
4) Arranging other people's music
5) Listening to Wicked Cast Album
6) Eating oranges
7) Checking email
7 Things I Often Say
1) Jialat!
2) Oh shit!
3) Hi
4) Okay, bye
5) Wah lan eh
6) Siao liao!
7) Ho say lah!
7 People To Do This
1) Anybody
2) Everybody
3) My friends
4) People I know
5) Those who come across this site
6) Bloggers whose sites are linked to mine
7) Basically a living human being