I scarcely dare to believe what I am looking at.
I walk into the toilet, take a pee, walk to the sinks... and, oh God, there is shit in the sink.
I stand rooted to the ground, stunned for a few moments.
Jeez, who shit (is there a word known as "shitted"?) into the sink? Which idiot heaved his ass onto the sink and removed his bowels there.
Then I realise, that's ridiculous. Anyway the shit is so small in size.
Come on, it's 5:45am in the morning, my eyesight is hazy, my mind is not right... jeez, I don't even know if I am dreaming.
I think it's cat shit. The freaking cat scrambled up to our bunk. I chase it out of our corridor - instead of going downstairs I think it went upstairs to the specs' bunk.
And so the shit remains there for at least half of the morning, until some unknown person clears it away, or flushes it down the drain. As we walk past the sink on our way in and out of the toilet, we peek at it in disgust from some safe distance. I feel so disgusted that I don't want to brush my teeth...
The toilet cleaners throw all the chemicals that they can find into the sink, and scrub it with a rather long toilet brush. Think safety distance. I think they pour Marinpol, some toilet-cleaning detergent powder... whatever they can get their hands on.
I am not going to use the sink... thinking of the shit makes me... yucks.