The consequences of going for the surgery... page 2
Posted by Hello
4. Bone infection (osteomyelitis).
5. Radiation-induced bone infection (osteoradionecrosis) if you have received previous radiation treatment to the head and neck region.
6. Jaw fracture.
7. Presence of foreign body in surgical site, e.g. broken instrument.
8. Presence of portion of tooth intentionally left in socket.
9. Presence of portion of tooth unintentionally left in socket.
10. Displacement of tooth, tooth fragments or foreign bodies into adjacent anatomical sites (e.g. airway, gastrointestinal tract (gut), maxillary sinus, inferior alveolar canal, infratemporal fossa and adjacent soft tissue).
11. Unnatural communication with the nasal or sinus cavity (oro-antral/oro-nasal fistula formation).
12. Pain or discomfort (symptoms) arising from temporomandibular joint disease/disorder.
13. Pain or discomfort (symptoms) arising from muscular disorders.
14. Persistent or new diseases (e.g. recurrent or residual cyst).
This brochure serves as a GUIDE for you to discuss with your surgeon about your impending wisdom teeth surgery. He/She will be able to give you a better individual assessment of the possible risks and complications depending on the presence and severity of risk factors involved in your case.